… and the Hour is coming without any doubt and Allah will raise up all those in the graves. (Surat al-Hajj, 7)
With every second we live, we are coming closer to the Judgment and the day we appear in the Presence of Allah to account for ourselves. Moreover, we have no idea how much longer we will be in this world. Whether we have 1 minute or 80 years left, we will eventually die. In all probability, the angels of death will come for our souls when we least expect it, after which we will see the Day of Judgment. Everything about this world will suddenly lose all meaning, and everyone will see the existence of Allah, the Judgment and the hereafter.
So while you still have the time, do not forget that everything related to this world will come to an end, nor to make preparations for the Day of Judgment, when everyone who has ever lived and done will be taken away and collected together to give account of themselves to Allah.
On the Day of Judgment, everything that everyone has ever done will be set out before them. On that day, those who did well and those who did evil will be recompensed in full for their actions, and those who did evil will wish that their evil deeds were a long way away from them. People will enter the Presence of Allah all alone, and judgment will be pronounced on them, without their suffering the slightest injustice.
Do not forget that the Day of Judgment is approaching and that you will be called to account in the Presence of Allah. Do not ignore the warnings and fall into the error of those who live lives far removed from Allah and the faith.
Mankind’s Judgment has drawn very close to them, yet they heedlessly turn away. No fresh reminder comes to them from their Lord without their listening to it as if it was a game. (Surat al-Anbiya’, 1-2)
On that day, through the eternal memory of Allah, all one’s thoughts and deeds, even those one has forgotten, will be brought up before on.
People are forgetful, but Allah never forgets and is never mistaken, so nobody will be able to escape the evil deeds he committed in this world. A person may not remember than he said something displeasing to Allah or harbored rebellious thoughts 10 years in the past, but on the Day of Judgment, Allah will raise all those thoughts and words before him, unless he has repented:
Say, ‘Whether you conceal what is in your chest or make it known, Allah knows it. He knows what is in the heavens and what is on earth. Allah has power over all things.’ On the Day that each self finds the good it did, and the evil it did, present there in front of it, it will wish there were an age between it and then. Allah advises you to beware of Him. Allah is Ever-Gentle with His slaves. (Surat al-‘Imran, 29-30)
On the Day Allah raises up all of them together, He will inform them of what they did. Allah has recorded it while they have forgotten it.Allah is a Witness of all things. (Surat al-Mujadilah, 6)
The Qur’an contains detailed descriptions of that difficult Day of Judgment in order to warn people. The Day of Judgment is when all material things will decay and cease to exist. Allah tells us "that Day will be a difficult day, not easy for the kafirun." (Surat al-Muddaththir, 9-10).
The Judgment begins with the first blast on the trumpet. People who sleep out on the streets after even the faintest tremor, will be stunned by the ferocity with which mountains are broken apart. Allah refers to that day as follows in Surat al-Qamar, verse 6, "On the Day the Summoner summons them to something unspeakably terrible…”
On that day, there will be a terror that enfolds all things and all places, the like of which has never been seen before. The oceans will boil over with a swell (Surat at-Takwir, 6), the sky will be like molten brass (Surat al-Ma’arij, 8), the stars will be extinguished (Surat al-Mursalat, 8), the moon will beeclipsed and the sun and moon will be fused together (Surat al-Qiyamah, 8-9), heaven will be opened and become doorways (Surat an-Naba’, 19), the mountains will be pulverized (Surat al-Mursalat, 10), the mountains will be like tufts of colored wool (Surat al-Qari’ah, 5) and there will be no dip or gradient in the world (Surah Ta Ha, 107).
When the trumpet is blown for a second time, the dead will begin returning to life and people will be brought together to account for themselves. Verses say:
The Trumpet will be blown and those in the heavens and those in the earth will all lose consciousness, except those Allah wills. Then it will be blown a second time and at once they will be standing upright, looking on.
And the earth will shine with the Pure Light of its Lord; the Book will be put in place; the Prophets and witnesses will be brought;it will be decided between them with the truth; and they will not be wronged. (Surat az-Zumar, 68-69)
On that day, “They will emerge from their graves with downcast eyes, like swarming locusts, necks outstretched, eyes transfixed, rushing headlong to the Summoner.The kuffar will say, ‘This is a pitiless day’!” (Surat al-Qamar, 7-8). Those who imagine that Allah did not fix a certain time to call them to account (Surat al-Kahf, 48) “will say, ‘Where can I run?’ No indeed! There will be no safe place. That Day the only resting place will be your Lord.” (Surat al-Qiyamah, 10-12)
Those who think they will never be resurrected and that death will last forever, will realize that the reminders they were given were true when the hour of the Judgment comes:
They will say, ‘Are we to be restored to how we were? when we have become perished, worm-eaten bones?’ (Surat an-Nazi'at, 10-11)
They will say, ‘Alas for us! Who has raised us from our resting-place? This is what the All-Merciful promised us. The Messengers were telling the truth.’ (Surah Ya Sin, 52)
On that day, believers and unbelievers will be separated from one another. Verses say that the faces of the believers will shine brightly as a reflection of the joy within them, while the faces of the unbelievers are darkened:
Faces that Day will be radiant, gazing at their Lord. And faces that Day will be glowering, (Surat al-Qiyamah, 22-25)
While believers who spend their lives on Allah’s path and for our Lord’s approval, those forget they will have to account for themselves to Allah will live in sorrow and regret, and, as Allah reveals in verses, will say, "... will say, ‘If only I had not been given my Book and had not known about my Judgment’!” (Surat al-Haqqah, 25-26)
Everyone’s own Judgment will begin with death, and apart from those whom Allah chooses, everyone in the earth and sky will be terrified. Sinner will blame one another and unbelievers will be unhappy. Only those who sincerely obeyed Allah’s commands throughout their lives will enjoy security amid that fear on that day. The more people were heedless of the Judgment in the life of this world, and the less prepared they were for it, the greater the terror they will feel on that day. Allah reminds people of the terror of that day in verses:
Mankind, have taqwa of your Lord! The quaking of the Hour is a terrible thing. On the day they see it, every nursing woman will be oblivious of the baby at her breast, and every pregnant woman will abort the contents of her womb, and you will think people drunk when they are not drunk; it is just that the punishment of Allah is so severe. (Surat al-Hajj, 1-2)
Do not forget that on such a day, nobody will ask after even his closest friend and nobody will treat anyone with friendship or help them. People will be happy to hand over even those closest to them as hostages in order to escape the punishment. But none of these will be accepted:
even though they can see each other.An evildoer will wish he could ransom himself from the punishment of that Day, by means of his sons, or his wife or his brother or his family who sheltered him or everyone else on earth,if that only meant that he could save himself. But no! It is a Raging Blaze (Surat al-Mearij, 11-15)
In short, there will be no precautions that people can take against what befalls them on that day, and no place of refuge. Rank, title, family or money in this world will mean nothing. On that day, people will be divided solely on the basis of the good or evil they committed. Everyone will be asked whether or not he served Allah, his creator. On that day, when nothing remains hidden, nobody will be able to make amends for their mistakes in this world.
on the Day when the secrets are sought out and man will have no strength or helper. (Surat at-Tariq, 9-10)
But on that day, everything will be easy for Muslims, insha’Allah. They will be in safety against the fear of the Day of Judgment and kept far away from the flames of the punishment. They will attain the countless blessings of paradise.
The Day of Judgment is an absolute fact, and it is approaching. Even an irreligious person must admit the possibility he will see the day described here. It is illogical to say, “I do not believe, so that day will not affect me.” Because even if someone does not believe, according to his own logic he must admit there is an at least 50% possibility of seeing that day. When he considers the features of the Day of Judgment and the punishment in hell, he will be terrified that there is a 100% probability of seeing that day, and must strive to avoid the endless torment that will follow.
In addition, death and the Day of Judgment are drawing closer every second. Death and the Judgment are the inescapable fate of all. That being the case, do not forget your Judgment before it is too late, and strive to attain your endless life of the hereafter.
http://didem-rahvanci. com
27 Eylül 2013 Cuma
Islam encapsulates unity, togetherness, love and brotherhood. In Holly words "... If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption." (Surat al-Anfal, 73) Allah tells us in the Qur’an that believers must be one another’s friends and allies, united and unified, if we are about to end corruption and strife in the world. All Muslims have a responsibility to obey that command. They must want the Islamic world, Muslims, to be united under a single roof. Those who do not want unity – may Allah forbid – must want disunity. And as we have witnessed over the years, disunity is of no use to the Islamic world. Muslims’ strength and power and interests must be as one. In addition, it is obligatory in the Qur’an for believers to be united. As Allah reveals in the following verses:
Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate. Remember Allah’s blessing to you when you were enemies and He joined your hearts together so that you became brothers by His blessing. You were on the very brink of a pit of the Fire and He rescued you from it. In this way Allah makes His Signs clear to you, so that hopefully you will be guided. (Surat al-‘Imran, 103)
The muminun are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have taqwa of Allah so that hopefully you will gain mercy. (Surat al-Hujurat, 10)
Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast. (Surat al-Anfal, 46)
Those who are kafir are the friends and protectors of one another. If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption. (Surat al-Anfal, 73)
those who, when they are wronged, defend themselves. (Surat ash-Shura, 39)
Allah loves those who fight in His Way in ranks like well-built walls. (Surat as-Saff, 4)
These verses make it clear that Muslims have a religious obligation to unite at once, to bond with one another with love, like blood brothers, not to argue, to be one another’s friends and guides, to protect and watch over one another under all circumstances and to wage an intellectual struggle against denial by standing together like well built walls.
To do the opposite, to separate rather than to come together, not to treat our Muslim brothers with love and affection, not to be forgiving, protective and watchful toward our Muslim brothers and not to wage an intellectual struggle against denial like well built walls, is a sin.
The absence of an Islamic Union, division, fragmentation between Muslim countries and conflicts among Muslims and the Islamic world not speaking with a single voice leave innocent Muslims defenseless. Wretched and needy women, children and old people in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Kashmir, East Turkestan, Pathani, Moro and many other places, are awaiting liberation from persecution. The responsibility for these people lies first and foremost with the Islamic world. Muslims must not forget that our Prophet (saas) says, "A Muslims does not oppress another Muslims or leave him in peril.”
The Islamic world must set divisions and differences aside. All Muslims must remember they are “brothers” and represent to the world the fine moral values bestowed by this spiritual brotherhood. The brotherhood between believers is a blessing from Allah. True Muslims must give thanks to Allah for this blessing and not forget His command “not to separate.”
Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate.... (Surat al-‘Imran, 103)
Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate. Remember Allah’s blessing to you when you were enemies and He joined your hearts together so that you became brothers by His blessing. You were on the very brink of a pit of the Fire and He rescued you from it. In this way Allah makes His Signs clear to you, so that hopefully you will be guided. (Surat al-‘Imran, 103)
The muminun are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have taqwa of Allah so that hopefully you will gain mercy. (Surat al-Hujurat, 10)
Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast. (Surat al-Anfal, 46)
Those who are kafir are the friends and protectors of one another. If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption. (Surat al-Anfal, 73)
those who, when they are wronged, defend themselves. (Surat ash-Shura, 39)
Allah loves those who fight in His Way in ranks like well-built walls. (Surat as-Saff, 4)
These verses make it clear that Muslims have a religious obligation to unite at once, to bond with one another with love, like blood brothers, not to argue, to be one another’s friends and guides, to protect and watch over one another under all circumstances and to wage an intellectual struggle against denial by standing together like well built walls.
To do the opposite, to separate rather than to come together, not to treat our Muslim brothers with love and affection, not to be forgiving, protective and watchful toward our Muslim brothers and not to wage an intellectual struggle against denial like well built walls, is a sin.
The absence of an Islamic Union, division, fragmentation between Muslim countries and conflicts among Muslims and the Islamic world not speaking with a single voice leave innocent Muslims defenseless. Wretched and needy women, children and old people in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Kashmir, East Turkestan, Pathani, Moro and many other places, are awaiting liberation from persecution. The responsibility for these people lies first and foremost with the Islamic world. Muslims must not forget that our Prophet (saas) says, "A Muslims does not oppress another Muslims or leave him in peril.”
The Islamic world must set divisions and differences aside. All Muslims must remember they are “brothers” and represent to the world the fine moral values bestowed by this spiritual brotherhood. The brotherhood between believers is a blessing from Allah. True Muslims must give thanks to Allah for this blessing and not forget His command “not to separate.”
Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate.... (Surat al-‘Imran, 103)
Didem Rahvanci,
East Turkestan,
7 Eylül 2013 Cumartesi
18 Haziran 2013 Salı
3 Haziran 2013 Pazartesi
The Islamic world has long been wrestling with the danger of extremism and radicalism. Although the number of those attempting to make extremism part of Islam is not large, there are still many people who believe this minority. These people are also portrayed as Muslims in the media. The people in question generally come to the fore with hatred, threats, fear and rage, implement violence and thus manage to remain on the agenda. The word “Muslim” has always brought to mind these people’s loveless aspects, and that has always suggested war, hatred and rage.
Extremists who claim to be Muslims proclaim the religion they establish on the basis of their own rules to be Islam. But that religion has nothing to do with Islam. Such people are generally unaware of the error they find themselves in. These people engage in intense activities in order to depict things described as lawful and fine in the Qur’an as unlawful, inflicting lack of quality on the Islamic world and portraying Islam, a religion of peace, as one of war and hatred. Asked about the source of the nonsense they append to the faith, they can never produce any evidence from the Qur’an. Most of them ignorantly violate our Almighty Lord’s verse “You who have iman! do not make haram the good things Allah has made halal for you, and do not overstep the limits. Allah does not love people who overstep the limits” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 87) by trying to make delights praised by the Qur’an unlawful. As a result, they produce their own cold religion of hatred, devoid of quality.
The fact is that Islam is a religion of love, affection, beauty and happiness.
In contrast to the false religion of the extremists, Allah states in the Qur’an that Islam is a religion of beauty, quality and felicity:
Islam is based on love:
Allah loves to loves. In the verse “As for those who have iman and do right actions, the All-Merciful will bestow His love on them” (Surah Maryam, 96) our Almighty Lord reveals how Muslims have love in their hearts, not hatred.
There is no hatred for the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) in Islam:
Love and affection for and protection of the People of the Book are fundamental. In verse 5 of Surat al-Ma’ida, Almighty Allah makes if lawful for Muslims to eat food prepared by Jews and Christians. The same verse also permits Muslims to marry women from the People of the Book. In other words, according to this verse of the Qur’an, a Jew or a Christian is not to be hated, she is a Muslim’s wife and beloved with whom he will live in the hereafter. In verse 169 of Surat al-A’raf, Allah reveals there are “a group who guide by the truth” among the Jews. In verses 113, 114 and 199 of Surat al-‘Imran, verse 52 of Surat al-Qasas, verse 162 of Surat an-Nisa’, verse 62 of Surat al-Baqara and verses 12 and 69 of Surat al-Ma’ida, Allah reveals the existence of “Jews and Christians who have a deep faith in Allah.” He promises them a fine reward. So according to the Qur’an, the People of the Book, who some radicals regard with hatred, are the friends and even the wives of Muslims.
In Islam, everyone can read the Qur’an in his own language, everywhere and under all circumstances:
In the verse “And remember the Signs of Allah and the wise words which are recited in your rooms.” (Surat al-Ahzab, 34) our Lord reveals that the verses of the Qur’an should be read all the time and that their wisdom should be grasped and not forgotten. The Qur’an can be read at all times and in all places. There are no commandments about not touching the Qur’an. The important thing is to understand it. Therefore, everyone must read it is his own language and grasp the wisdom of its verses. According to verse 44 of Surat az-Zukhruf, in the hereafter all Muslims will be asked about the Qur’an, which the radicals hang on a wall and forget or read in Arabic and fail to understand. Therefore, nobody must be led astray by the radicals into abandoning the Qur’an and their acts of worship.
There is no sorrow in Islam:
Islam is a religion of joy and happiness. Allah says that Muslims should laugh and be happy. According to the Qur’an, weeping and sorrow are features of the people of hell. Of them, Allah says, “Let them laugh little and weep much.” (Surat at-Tawba, 82) therefore, a Muslim has a responsibility to live in a way that will be pleasing to Allah, by laughing and being happy and joyful.
Quality, cleanliness, beauty, art, science, education, fineness and being well-groomed are important in Islam:
People who have for years claimed to stand for Islam with filthy and badly maintained clothes are trying to make a religious law out of a piece of nonsense. Yet in the verse “Purify your clothes. Shun all filth.” (Surat al-Mudaththir, 4-5), Allah advises Muslims to keep their clothes and homes clean. He advises them to reflect and grow in knowledge. The Qur’an describes the palace of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) as one of the finest examples of beauty and esthetics. For that reason, Muslims must be the best-groomed, best-quality and most cultured people in the world.
Quality is essential to all aspects of life for a Muslim. But those who misinterpret Islam seek to present and live by a conception of Islam that is devoid of quality. For that reason, some people equate Islam with the kind of life these people live and therefore oppose the Qur’an. Because of these people’s peculiar ideas, Muslims are exposed to strong criticism in many countries. Because they generally depict an ill-kempt, filthy and ugly life style that is incompatible with Islam and the Qur’an as actually being Islam. They behave with no quality in their eating habits, clothing and speech. And they are determined to maintain that lack of quality. They establish a model intended to totally eradicate beauty and regard it as a sin. They claim that someone who is ugly and ill-kempt is full of takwa. They do not listen to music, they do not like paintings, they avoid people and do not speak, and they never compliment anyone. Because of these strange ideas, they themselves actually detest their lives because of the lack of quality they experience at every moment.
Something comparable in this world to the beauty and quality that Allah creates in paradise is only possible by living by true Islamic values. Compliments, winning people over, altruism, consideration, peace, love, affection, compassion, democracy, freedom of ideas, having fun, joy, pleasant architecture and being attractive and well-groomed all have a place in the true Islam.
Extremists who forfeit all blessing sin this world, who regard the blessing of love as the opposite of Islam and who equate pleasant homes and clothes and living amid blessings with those who abandon Allah seek to portray religion as living in poverty. Yet Allah has made believers worthy of all blessings. He refers to those who try to make His blessings as lawful as follows in a verse:
Say: ‘Who has forbidden the fine clothing Allah has produced for His slaves and the good kinds of provision?’ Say: ‘On the Day of Rising such things will be exclusively for those who had iman during their life in the dunya.’ In this way We make the Signs clear for people who know. (Surat al-A’raf, 32)
Beauty, joy, quality, happiness, modernity and affection all exist for Muslims. That is the Muslim model in the Qur’an. The Muslim in the Qur’an is intelligent and educated. He is modern and outward-looking and high-quality. The Muslim in the Qur’an eradicates hatred and brings love. The Muslim in the Qur’an tries to instill love instead of sorrow, and peace instead of conflict. The Muslim in the Qur’an is attractive, well-groomed, well-dressed, pleasant-smelling and lives in a spotless home. That is why they have no need for wealth or to cover or uncover their heads. Beauty, modernity, nobility and quality, immaculate clothes and a well-maintained body, fine language and a loving, radiant face all emerge naturally.
The Islamic world needs peaceful and enlightened people who apply the true Qur’an. The false model that seeks to add nonsense to Islam, that makes lawful things unlawful and that brings rage and hatred to the world must be abandoned. For that reason, true Muslims who abide by the Qur’an must show the world the model of the Muslim in the Qur’an, must be exceptionally high quality and loving and must educate those people who misinterpret Islam. And that is what Allah wants from us.
Extremists who claim to be Muslims proclaim the religion they establish on the basis of their own rules to be Islam. But that religion has nothing to do with Islam. Such people are generally unaware of the error they find themselves in. These people engage in intense activities in order to depict things described as lawful and fine in the Qur’an as unlawful, inflicting lack of quality on the Islamic world and portraying Islam, a religion of peace, as one of war and hatred. Asked about the source of the nonsense they append to the faith, they can never produce any evidence from the Qur’an. Most of them ignorantly violate our Almighty Lord’s verse “You who have iman! do not make haram the good things Allah has made halal for you, and do not overstep the limits. Allah does not love people who overstep the limits” (Surat al-Ma’ida, 87) by trying to make delights praised by the Qur’an unlawful. As a result, they produce their own cold religion of hatred, devoid of quality.
The fact is that Islam is a religion of love, affection, beauty and happiness.
In contrast to the false religion of the extremists, Allah states in the Qur’an that Islam is a religion of beauty, quality and felicity:
Islam is based on love:
Allah loves to loves. In the verse “As for those who have iman and do right actions, the All-Merciful will bestow His love on them” (Surah Maryam, 96) our Almighty Lord reveals how Muslims have love in their hearts, not hatred.
There is no hatred for the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) in Islam:
Love and affection for and protection of the People of the Book are fundamental. In verse 5 of Surat al-Ma’ida, Almighty Allah makes if lawful for Muslims to eat food prepared by Jews and Christians. The same verse also permits Muslims to marry women from the People of the Book. In other words, according to this verse of the Qur’an, a Jew or a Christian is not to be hated, she is a Muslim’s wife and beloved with whom he will live in the hereafter. In verse 169 of Surat al-A’raf, Allah reveals there are “a group who guide by the truth” among the Jews. In verses 113, 114 and 199 of Surat al-‘Imran, verse 52 of Surat al-Qasas, verse 162 of Surat an-Nisa’, verse 62 of Surat al-Baqara and verses 12 and 69 of Surat al-Ma’ida, Allah reveals the existence of “Jews and Christians who have a deep faith in Allah.” He promises them a fine reward. So according to the Qur’an, the People of the Book, who some radicals regard with hatred, are the friends and even the wives of Muslims.
In Islam, everyone can read the Qur’an in his own language, everywhere and under all circumstances:
In the verse “And remember the Signs of Allah and the wise words which are recited in your rooms.” (Surat al-Ahzab, 34) our Lord reveals that the verses of the Qur’an should be read all the time and that their wisdom should be grasped and not forgotten. The Qur’an can be read at all times and in all places. There are no commandments about not touching the Qur’an. The important thing is to understand it. Therefore, everyone must read it is his own language and grasp the wisdom of its verses. According to verse 44 of Surat az-Zukhruf, in the hereafter all Muslims will be asked about the Qur’an, which the radicals hang on a wall and forget or read in Arabic and fail to understand. Therefore, nobody must be led astray by the radicals into abandoning the Qur’an and their acts of worship.
There is no sorrow in Islam:
Islam is a religion of joy and happiness. Allah says that Muslims should laugh and be happy. According to the Qur’an, weeping and sorrow are features of the people of hell. Of them, Allah says, “Let them laugh little and weep much.” (Surat at-Tawba, 82) therefore, a Muslim has a responsibility to live in a way that will be pleasing to Allah, by laughing and being happy and joyful.
Quality, cleanliness, beauty, art, science, education, fineness and being well-groomed are important in Islam:
People who have for years claimed to stand for Islam with filthy and badly maintained clothes are trying to make a religious law out of a piece of nonsense. Yet in the verse “Purify your clothes. Shun all filth.” (Surat al-Mudaththir, 4-5), Allah advises Muslims to keep their clothes and homes clean. He advises them to reflect and grow in knowledge. The Qur’an describes the palace of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) as one of the finest examples of beauty and esthetics. For that reason, Muslims must be the best-groomed, best-quality and most cultured people in the world.
Quality is essential to all aspects of life for a Muslim. But those who misinterpret Islam seek to present and live by a conception of Islam that is devoid of quality. For that reason, some people equate Islam with the kind of life these people live and therefore oppose the Qur’an. Because of these people’s peculiar ideas, Muslims are exposed to strong criticism in many countries. Because they generally depict an ill-kempt, filthy and ugly life style that is incompatible with Islam and the Qur’an as actually being Islam. They behave with no quality in their eating habits, clothing and speech. And they are determined to maintain that lack of quality. They establish a model intended to totally eradicate beauty and regard it as a sin. They claim that someone who is ugly and ill-kempt is full of takwa. They do not listen to music, they do not like paintings, they avoid people and do not speak, and they never compliment anyone. Because of these strange ideas, they themselves actually detest their lives because of the lack of quality they experience at every moment.
Something comparable in this world to the beauty and quality that Allah creates in paradise is only possible by living by true Islamic values. Compliments, winning people over, altruism, consideration, peace, love, affection, compassion, democracy, freedom of ideas, having fun, joy, pleasant architecture and being attractive and well-groomed all have a place in the true Islam.
Extremists who forfeit all blessing sin this world, who regard the blessing of love as the opposite of Islam and who equate pleasant homes and clothes and living amid blessings with those who abandon Allah seek to portray religion as living in poverty. Yet Allah has made believers worthy of all blessings. He refers to those who try to make His blessings as lawful as follows in a verse:
Say: ‘Who has forbidden the fine clothing Allah has produced for His slaves and the good kinds of provision?’ Say: ‘On the Day of Rising such things will be exclusively for those who had iman during their life in the dunya.’ In this way We make the Signs clear for people who know. (Surat al-A’raf, 32)
Beauty, joy, quality, happiness, modernity and affection all exist for Muslims. That is the Muslim model in the Qur’an. The Muslim in the Qur’an is intelligent and educated. He is modern and outward-looking and high-quality. The Muslim in the Qur’an eradicates hatred and brings love. The Muslim in the Qur’an tries to instill love instead of sorrow, and peace instead of conflict. The Muslim in the Qur’an is attractive, well-groomed, well-dressed, pleasant-smelling and lives in a spotless home. That is why they have no need for wealth or to cover or uncover their heads. Beauty, modernity, nobility and quality, immaculate clothes and a well-maintained body, fine language and a loving, radiant face all emerge naturally.
The Islamic world needs peaceful and enlightened people who apply the true Qur’an. The false model that seeks to add nonsense to Islam, that makes lawful things unlawful and that brings rage and hatred to the world must be abandoned. For that reason, true Muslims who abide by the Qur’an must show the world the model of the Muslim in the Qur’an, must be exceptionally high quality and loving and must educate those people who misinterpret Islam. And that is what Allah wants from us.
Clashes in Syria between Assad loyalists and the resistance are continuing uninterruptedly. Some 700,000 people have now left Syria, while those who are left face a huge struggle to survive. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees is trying to find the financial resources to cope with the crisis. A great many of the refugees are being housed in camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.
The United Nations say they are concerned that the number of people leaving the country because of the fighting that has persisted for 2 years will rise to 1 million within four months, while the UNHCR says that 2-3,000 people are crossing to neighboring countries every day.
According to UN records, more than 20,000 people in Syria have died since the uprising against the government began in March 2011. Innocent women and children are being killed in bombing attacks on city centers every day. Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu revealed the seriousness of the situation by saying, “We will accept the humanitarian responsibility. But let it be known that the political responsibility lies with the UN Security Council, which has refused to take a decision, just like it did with Bosnia-Herzegovina, despite the death of 70,000 people in the Syrian crisis.”
Turkish Red Crescent President Ahmet Lütfi Akar stated that the number of people fleeing persecution in Syria and living in camps in Turkey was 180,000, and that they had welcomed 70,000 people on the border making their own arrangements or staying with relatives. The Turkish government is doing all in its power on the Syrian border and working at full capacity trying to meet the food, clothing and accommodation needs of around 200,000 Syrian refugees. As a result of the recent aid campaign right across Turkey, 1000 tons of flour was sent to the border region in 40 lorries.
While the resistance and security forces fight it out, Assad shows no sign of being willing to step down and has declared his determination to the whole world in the words “I am Syrian. I was born here. I will protect my people. And I will die here.” But Assad, who has inflicted such persecution on his own people, is ignoring the terrible fates of the Libyan leader Gaddafi and the Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak before him. Everyone knows that Bashar Assad is being maintained on a Russian base. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that “If it is being said there can be no dialogue with Assad without him stepping down, then they need to understand he will not resign. Because we tried to talk him into stepping down, but he has not reached that decision in his own mind.” By that statement he shows he is trying to close the subject with a political reply.
The only reason the attacks in Syria, the persecution of the public and detentions are not coming to an end is that the powers watching and supporting the conflict have been unable to find a politician to replace Assad. Their aim is to bring someone to power in Syria whom they can direct, just like Assad, and use as their pawn. Policies of taking power over other countries always end in thousands of people dying.
Turkey has always helped refugees in all the fighting in the Middle East, in the Iran-Iraq War, in the Gulf War and in the fighting between Israel and Palestine. It has always helped innocent people who have fled to Turkey from their own countries and struggled to survive there. It would be unbecoming of Turkey to turn away innocent civilians, women and children, and abandon them to death. Turkey has shown that this policy has not changed by meeting all the needs of refugee camps housing 200,000 refugees who have fled from Syria, despite the $200 billion impact on its own annual budget.
Turkey has made clear its own weight in all the transitions and events taking place in the Middle East as part of the mission that it has for a long time assumed there. Prime Minister Erdoğan is the first foreigner to address the Iraqi Parliament, the first Sunni leader to visit the Hazrat Ali Mausoleum in Najaf, met with the Shiite religious Ayatollah Sistani in Najaf, and his is the first Turkish prime minister to meet with the head of the regional Kurdish administration in Arbil, Barzani. All these actions are a result of the desire to complete that mission. Turkey is currently focused on shaping the future of the Middle East and uniting the whole Muslim world under a single umbrella. Turkey is the only country that takes every opportunity to speak of the dangers of sectarian conflict and division in the region and that warns all the countries of the region at every opportunity. That is because Turkey is the only country that does not benefit from the tensions and conflict among the domestic and external forces in the region.
Whatever Turkey did in the past, it will continue to do with even more sure steps, opening its doors to refugees massing on its border with even more protective behavior and active political policies. But building camps where refugees can be comfortable and providing them with food and housing is only a temporary solution. The important thing is to avoid such temporary solutions and prepare a temporary refuge zone in the wake of every war that breaks out in the Middle East. The important thing is to enable people in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Palestine and other countries to live as they deserve, in a very free, democratic and modern environment, to ensure they are governed democratically and to put a halt to all the bloodshed in the Middle East. That is why Turkey has concentrated on being the leader of a union extending from Palestine in the Middle East to Indonesia in Asia. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu describes how Turkey has been focused on that aim for many years now: "Turkey’s aim for 2023 is to be a world state. We want to be a world state in 2023. We want to be a state that never makes do with second best and that puts those who go beyond proper bounds firmly in their place."
The United Nations say they are concerned that the number of people leaving the country because of the fighting that has persisted for 2 years will rise to 1 million within four months, while the UNHCR says that 2-3,000 people are crossing to neighboring countries every day.
According to UN records, more than 20,000 people in Syria have died since the uprising against the government began in March 2011. Innocent women and children are being killed in bombing attacks on city centers every day. Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu revealed the seriousness of the situation by saying, “We will accept the humanitarian responsibility. But let it be known that the political responsibility lies with the UN Security Council, which has refused to take a decision, just like it did with Bosnia-Herzegovina, despite the death of 70,000 people in the Syrian crisis.”
Turkish Red Crescent President Ahmet Lütfi Akar stated that the number of people fleeing persecution in Syria and living in camps in Turkey was 180,000, and that they had welcomed 70,000 people on the border making their own arrangements or staying with relatives. The Turkish government is doing all in its power on the Syrian border and working at full capacity trying to meet the food, clothing and accommodation needs of around 200,000 Syrian refugees. As a result of the recent aid campaign right across Turkey, 1000 tons of flour was sent to the border region in 40 lorries.
While the resistance and security forces fight it out, Assad shows no sign of being willing to step down and has declared his determination to the whole world in the words “I am Syrian. I was born here. I will protect my people. And I will die here.” But Assad, who has inflicted such persecution on his own people, is ignoring the terrible fates of the Libyan leader Gaddafi and the Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak before him. Everyone knows that Bashar Assad is being maintained on a Russian base. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that “If it is being said there can be no dialogue with Assad without him stepping down, then they need to understand he will not resign. Because we tried to talk him into stepping down, but he has not reached that decision in his own mind.” By that statement he shows he is trying to close the subject with a political reply.
The only reason the attacks in Syria, the persecution of the public and detentions are not coming to an end is that the powers watching and supporting the conflict have been unable to find a politician to replace Assad. Their aim is to bring someone to power in Syria whom they can direct, just like Assad, and use as their pawn. Policies of taking power over other countries always end in thousands of people dying.
Turkey has always helped refugees in all the fighting in the Middle East, in the Iran-Iraq War, in the Gulf War and in the fighting between Israel and Palestine. It has always helped innocent people who have fled to Turkey from their own countries and struggled to survive there. It would be unbecoming of Turkey to turn away innocent civilians, women and children, and abandon them to death. Turkey has shown that this policy has not changed by meeting all the needs of refugee camps housing 200,000 refugees who have fled from Syria, despite the $200 billion impact on its own annual budget.
Turkey has made clear its own weight in all the transitions and events taking place in the Middle East as part of the mission that it has for a long time assumed there. Prime Minister Erdoğan is the first foreigner to address the Iraqi Parliament, the first Sunni leader to visit the Hazrat Ali Mausoleum in Najaf, met with the Shiite religious Ayatollah Sistani in Najaf, and his is the first Turkish prime minister to meet with the head of the regional Kurdish administration in Arbil, Barzani. All these actions are a result of the desire to complete that mission. Turkey is currently focused on shaping the future of the Middle East and uniting the whole Muslim world under a single umbrella. Turkey is the only country that takes every opportunity to speak of the dangers of sectarian conflict and division in the region and that warns all the countries of the region at every opportunity. That is because Turkey is the only country that does not benefit from the tensions and conflict among the domestic and external forces in the region.
Whatever Turkey did in the past, it will continue to do with even more sure steps, opening its doors to refugees massing on its border with even more protective behavior and active political policies. But building camps where refugees can be comfortable and providing them with food and housing is only a temporary solution. The important thing is to avoid such temporary solutions and prepare a temporary refuge zone in the wake of every war that breaks out in the Middle East. The important thing is to enable people in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Palestine and other countries to live as they deserve, in a very free, democratic and modern environment, to ensure they are governed democratically and to put a halt to all the bloodshed in the Middle East. That is why Turkey has concentrated on being the leader of a union extending from Palestine in the Middle East to Indonesia in Asia. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu describes how Turkey has been focused on that aim for many years now: "Turkey’s aim for 2023 is to be a world state. We want to be a world state in 2023. We want to be a state that never makes do with second best and that puts those who go beyond proper bounds firmly in their place."
14 Mayıs 2013 Salı
24 Mart 2013 Pazar
Do you know that, only for the breath you take there should be a lot of factor together?
First we need a balanced amount of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Any imbalance is enough to end the life. Allah created many ways to make sure this delicate balance is never disrupted. The Sun, plants which makes photosynthesis, soil and bacterial lives in soil make this balance possible. Other factors like rain, lightning, pressure and earth’s core keep the gas rate in our atmosphere to the right conditions.
Even with a small disruption or disproportion in these facts- even in one of them, for instance if one of the bacterial which we can never see without a microscope stop functioning- the nitrogen cycle and carbon cycle which are critically important will stop instantly. This means the end of life.
Everything we see around us, including our body, is created with very delicate balances. There is harmony in the heaves and on the earth and this harmony continued to exist without any disruption for millions of years.
Allah who is the Great, the Most High creates this harmony.
Allah makes all the systems of the universe function and grow in perfect harmony, even though, we are not aware of it.
Sometimes we tend to forget simple things we take for granted without putting them into proportions even a simple every step we take, requires a certain balance from the turning speed of Earth back to our nervous system, our heart, our brain, our skeletal system and gravity.
Even if some people say when we ask them they believe in Allah and they say Allah is one and only, they believe that Allah created everything but this order then goes on its own. Whereas this is a very wrong idea. Because Allah regulates all affairs and has control over all things. Allah states in Surah Al-An’am that 'Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge'.
And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it. And no grain is there within the darknesses of the earth and no moist or dry [thing] but that it is [written] in a clear record. (Surah Al-An’am 59)
While you are reading this article quietly in your computer, without your knowledge there is big activity all around the World all the time.
For example in every one second 16 million tons water drops to Earth and 16 million tons water evaporates to air. In every second about 100 lightning flashes on earth. In every lightning trillions of nitrogen dioxide molecules come out and with this, the %78 of nitrogen rate, which is in the atmosphere fixes.
And again in one second Sun converts 564 million tons of hydrogen to 560 million tons of helium and to 4 million tons of energy. At the end of this process it occurs a big light and radiation ball. This power is equals to the energy generated by millions of atomic bomb.
In our body there are many processes happening every single second without being aware of it.
The lungs, liver, heart, brain, pancreas, stomach, nerve, respiratory and defense systems, cells, DNAs of 7 billion people are all in Allah’s control.
Some Interesting facts you might not be aware of:
The reproductive and blood cells in our body, produce 2000 protein in one second.
In our body an average of 50 million cells die and 50 million cells form in one second.
Our heart circulates all the blood in the body in 60 seconds
Five hundred different chemical processes occurs in a single liver cell in every one second.
100 billion processes will have taken place in your eyes when you are reading this sentence.
These all process takes place all the 7 billion people on the earth in every one second.
Millions of animals live on earth and all of the bodily functions of these animals function by the grace of Allah’s will. All of their livelihoods, shelters, hunting techniques and strategies in the face of a dangerous world are under Allah's control. From mites that live on your carpet without you knowing, to a fly that lands on your hand, from an ant trying to carry the bread crumbs in your kitchen to its nest to the birds flying in the sky and a cat you see on the street, all of these animals live by the will and inspiration of Allah.
'… No date-fruit comes out of its sheath, nor does a female conceive (within her womb) nor bring forth… (Surat al Fussilat, 47)'
As Allah states in the Surat al Fussilat Allah knows the every newborn human all around the World, Allah also knows all humans date of death in their destiny. Allah draws attention to this situation in the Quran.
'Nor does anyone know what it is that he will earn on tomorrow: Nor does anyone know in what land he is to die. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things). (Surah al Luqman, 34)'
Allah is Most High, Most Great. Allah creates controls and regulates all the living and non-living things, all events, all systems we see or don’t see, we know or don’t know. Allah never lets His created alone, He always controls them.
To understand the power of Allah we need to know the wonders of Allah, amazing creations of Allah. Because as Allah stated in the Quran “Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge.”
'Seest thou not that Allah sends down rain from the sky? With it We then bring out produce of various colours. And in the mountains are tracts white and red, of various shades of colour, and black intense in hue.And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving. (Surah al Fatır 27-28)'
Didem Rahvanci,
Harun Yahya,
While you are reading this phrase in the different places of the world, with different reasons millions of people have died. If you ask these people one minute ago most probably they did not know that they will die. Whereas you who's reading this article or me who's writing this article, maybe we won’t live after a couple of minutes. Maybe these are our last minutes on the earth to repent and to be closer to Allah.
If not today, one day we will all certainly die at some point. We, people we know and people we love will die also. After 100 years from now no one we know today will be on earth.
People wake up every morning making short term or long term plans for their lifes. But death is not included in these plans. Whereas most of these plans might not occur, death will certainly occur.
One while going to work in a new acquired position or one who succeeded taking a university exam that has been working for years, or one who just goot married, while returning from the wedding celebration could suddenly die because of a traffic accident. A businessman would prefer an airplane for attending a meeting out of the city or the country and yet the plane could fall, or he can have a heart attack even before reaching the airport in his limousine.
Because of the food one is trying to swallow, an accidental electric shock, a random accident where one slips and hit on the head, a blood clot in one's veins, we don't realize that at any plan or daily event one has planned, losing ones life is a viable posibility. All the plans that we make are focused on things that remain in this world but you will find yourself in the hereafter all of a sudden. The question is, have you made any plan for after death?
Some people avoid thinking about death, they can not even talking about it. They make plans only for this world and they live as if they will never die. They escape from death and thinking about death. Whereas as Allah states in the Surah al-Jumu’a, the death which they flee will truly overtake them.
Say: "The Death from which ye flee will truly overtake you: then will ye be sent back to the Knower of things secret and open: and He will tell you (the truth of) the things that ye did!" (Surah al-Jumu’a 8)
The reason of why most people avoid thinking of death is that they assume that the life of this world -which they always search for a better and comfortable life- is real. However the life of this world is transitory. Even if one lives up to 100 years when we compare it with hereafter it equals a little time just like an eye-blinking.
Think the first day of your elementary school. While you are thinking those past days would never end you found yourself on the secondry school classes, then you graduate from college... Days and years pass so quickly. At some point of time, you get married, you have children, even grandchildren and every passing day you approach to death more. But death is not the end. Death is the start of your endless life. The endless heaven or the endless hell.
Allah created the world in order to test people. To test who will act rightly and who will be a good servant to Himself. Allah described the heaven and the hell with all the details in the Qur’an. And while he is giving good news about heaven to the Righteous who believe and work righteous deeds, he promises the hell to whom they rebel against Allah and who doesn’t follow his orders. This world is never a place that one could prefer going to Hell for a few transient whims instead of Heaven. Because as Allah stated in the Qur’an, hereafter is better than this world.
Day (behold), ye prefer the life of this world; But the Hereafter is better and more enduring. (Surah al-A’la 16,17)
The life of this world is a play and amusement and chattels of deception.
Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah.. And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception? (Surah al-Hadid 20)
The real world which will never end, which will end forever is hereafter, heaven and hell.
Allah states in the Qur’an that “Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous...” (Surah Al-Imran, 133). Therefore a believer’s aim must be try to win love, mercy, blessing and the heaven of Allah. So while making plans for the life of this world, a believer never forgets hereafter. One makes plans for the life of this world if only it will be good for her or him in the hereafter. A believer never forgets that Allah is the one and only, everything is in His control and He can take his or her life whenever He wants. A believer lives each moment as if he or she will die at any time. “To live each moment as if he or she will die at any time” doen’t mean “we are coming to this world once so let’s enjoy from it”, it means “we are coming to this world once so we have to live for Allah and we have to be a good servant to him.”
Death is a reality and is more important than everything in this world. However one plans everything in the life of this world, there should definetly be plan which is made for death and hereafter also. Because when we die, we will find ourselves infront of Allah all alone, and we will give account about what we do in the life of this world. After death –without the permission of Allah- it is impossible to turn back to this world and correct the mistakes. Therefore when Allah is giving us life, time and facility we should try to be the ones who loved by Allah and we should try to win His Heaven, without forgetting that any moment we can die. May be these article is the last warning to you from Allah.
If not today, one day we will all certainly die at some point. We, people we know and people we love will die also. After 100 years from now no one we know today will be on earth.
People wake up every morning making short term or long term plans for their lifes. But death is not included in these plans. Whereas most of these plans might not occur, death will certainly occur.
One while going to work in a new acquired position or one who succeeded taking a university exam that has been working for years, or one who just goot married, while returning from the wedding celebration could suddenly die because of a traffic accident. A businessman would prefer an airplane for attending a meeting out of the city or the country and yet the plane could fall, or he can have a heart attack even before reaching the airport in his limousine.
Because of the food one is trying to swallow, an accidental electric shock, a random accident where one slips and hit on the head, a blood clot in one's veins, we don't realize that at any plan or daily event one has planned, losing ones life is a viable posibility. All the plans that we make are focused on things that remain in this world but you will find yourself in the hereafter all of a sudden. The question is, have you made any plan for after death?
Some people avoid thinking about death, they can not even talking about it. They make plans only for this world and they live as if they will never die. They escape from death and thinking about death. Whereas as Allah states in the Surah al-Jumu’a, the death which they flee will truly overtake them.
Say: "The Death from which ye flee will truly overtake you: then will ye be sent back to the Knower of things secret and open: and He will tell you (the truth of) the things that ye did!" (Surah al-Jumu’a 8)
The reason of why most people avoid thinking of death is that they assume that the life of this world -which they always search for a better and comfortable life- is real. However the life of this world is transitory. Even if one lives up to 100 years when we compare it with hereafter it equals a little time just like an eye-blinking.
Think the first day of your elementary school. While you are thinking those past days would never end you found yourself on the secondry school classes, then you graduate from college... Days and years pass so quickly. At some point of time, you get married, you have children, even grandchildren and every passing day you approach to death more. But death is not the end. Death is the start of your endless life. The endless heaven or the endless hell.
Allah created the world in order to test people. To test who will act rightly and who will be a good servant to Himself. Allah described the heaven and the hell with all the details in the Qur’an. And while he is giving good news about heaven to the Righteous who believe and work righteous deeds, he promises the hell to whom they rebel against Allah and who doesn’t follow his orders. This world is never a place that one could prefer going to Hell for a few transient whims instead of Heaven. Because as Allah stated in the Qur’an, hereafter is better than this world.
Day (behold), ye prefer the life of this world; But the Hereafter is better and more enduring. (Surah al-A’la 16,17)
The life of this world is a play and amusement and chattels of deception.
Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah.. And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception? (Surah al-Hadid 20)
The real world which will never end, which will end forever is hereafter, heaven and hell.
Allah states in the Qur’an that “Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous...” (Surah Al-Imran, 133). Therefore a believer’s aim must be try to win love, mercy, blessing and the heaven of Allah. So while making plans for the life of this world, a believer never forgets hereafter. One makes plans for the life of this world if only it will be good for her or him in the hereafter. A believer never forgets that Allah is the one and only, everything is in His control and He can take his or her life whenever He wants. A believer lives each moment as if he or she will die at any time. “To live each moment as if he or she will die at any time” doen’t mean “we are coming to this world once so let’s enjoy from it”, it means “we are coming to this world once so we have to live for Allah and we have to be a good servant to him.”
Death is a reality and is more important than everything in this world. However one plans everything in the life of this world, there should definetly be plan which is made for death and hereafter also. Because when we die, we will find ourselves infront of Allah all alone, and we will give account about what we do in the life of this world. After death –without the permission of Allah- it is impossible to turn back to this world and correct the mistakes. Therefore when Allah is giving us life, time and facility we should try to be the ones who loved by Allah and we should try to win His Heaven, without forgetting that any moment we can die. May be these article is the last warning to you from Allah.
Didem Rahvanci,
Harun Yahya,
Islamic Union,
Especially in recent years there is a great suffering in Muslim world. We are opening our eyes to every new day with a persecution news from a Muslim country. One day Palastine, one day Syria, one day Iraq, another day Burma, another day East Turkestan...
Muslims are being martyred brutally for years and they are driven out of their countries, children are left parentless and parents are left childless. The mosques and all other places of worship are being destroyed, their prayers are attempted to be prevented, our sisters are being raped. No news is received from those who are being arrested in their homes and taken away for no reason at all. Our dearest Muslim brothers and sisters are being burnt alive, they are brought by mass graves and are executed.. They are deprived of water and food and are being subjected to worst kinds of tortures...
Shortly Muslims in Palastine, Burma, Iraq, East Turkestan, Afghanistan, the Crimea, Kirkuk, Moro, Pathani, Syria and more Muslim countries are suffering.
While all these cruelty happens, the only solution is all Muslims to unite and become brothers immediately . This is the urgent need of the Muslim world.
Those who are kafir are the friends and protectors of one another. If you do not act in this way there will be turmoil in the land and great corruption. (Surah Al-Anfal 73)
As Allah stated in Qur’an, this riot and corruption won’t be disappear from the world as long as Muslims unite. But as Muslims help each other and become friends, this lead to prosperity.
The one who doesn’t make an effort to unite, it means that person grants opression. Granting opression means participating the oppression. Power comes from unity. The power of Muslims will come from the unity by the Will of Allah.
While Allah is stating “Hold fast to the rope of Allah all together, and do not separate...” in Surah Al-Imran verse 103, he tells us an obligation. Allah commands Muslims to be united. Being separate and fragmented -especially in an environment like this- is forbidden.
Muslims who believe in the same Allah, Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (SAV) should be brothers and united but it is exemplary that they conflict each other because of some reasons. The leading reason is the denominational and cultural conflicts.
Whereas according to Islamic morals, for a Muslim, the measure must be the fear of God, in faith, moral perfection, sincerity towards God and piety (taqwa). Differences in the Muslim world must be appreciated as a source of richness and they never can be a source of potential fragmentation, division and dispersal.
Quarrel thoroughly destroys the power of Muslims who needs to unite now. Allah draws attention to this fact in the Qur’an.
... do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast. (Surat Al-Anfal 46)
Muslims should set aside differences between them and unite and be brothers very urgently. Otherwise neither we can solve our problems nor can we put an end to the prosecution conducted by external forces.
Didem Rahvanci,
East Turkestan,
Harun Yahya,
Islamic Union,
the Crimea
A Muslim from Kashmir, where millions of Muslims live in suffering and that has literally turned into an open-air prison for them, wrote this on his blog this week;
Imagine Kashmir
Imagine that an open-air prison with a population of 7 million has been closed. Imagine living in a labyrinth with military camps in every district. Imagine the psychological trauma. Imagine you have got used to the trauma.
Imagine you spend 6 days indoors as the army patrols your doors. Imagine your baby crying from hunger and you have run out of baby food. Imagine that your young people like me have gone underground to avoid being detained and tortured.
Imagine that doctors cannot issue death certificates for the “dead.” Imagine firing at funerals and the bodies being polluted.
Imagine a democracy where you cannot say the word “Liberty.” Imagine a democracy that is in fact an occupation, colonialism. Imagine your father was taken away and never returned. Think of children dying every day.
Imagine you spend your spare time with stories of martyrs, rape and slaughter. Imagine your football pitch being surrounded by military camps. Imagine being slapped in the streets for not carrying your “identity card.”
Imagine that the definition of peace is “Only 10 people died, thee things happen.”
Imagine you live here for one day.
I have lived here for 20 years. I live in Kashmir.
This is the latest letter from Kashmir, where Muslim blood flows.
Do not forget Kashmir. Do not remain silent in the face of what the oppressed Muslims in Kashmir are undergoing. Silence means collaboration with oppression.
But where is Kashmir? And what is the reason for this oppression?
The Indian subcontinent was under British rule until the end of the Second World War. After the British left, Indian Muslims founded Pakistan. Many Muslims living in India them moved to Pakistan. Yet although the Kashmiri region known as “Jammu and Kashmir” on the borders of India, Pakistan and China was 67% Muslim, it remained part of India due to various plots and intrigues on the part of the Indian rulers of the time. From that time some 4 million Muslims, according to figures for 2001, have lived under the persecution and oppression of the Indian government.
The Kashmiri Muslims wanted to escape that oppression and attain independence, but these demands resulted in three terrible massacres by Indian forces in 1947, 1965 and 1971. Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Muslims were martyred in these massacres, and more than 4,000 Muslims women were raped and tortured.
In the 1990s, the Indian administration stepped up its violent measures. Thousands of Muslims were detained for no reason and martyred under torture. Homes were looted, schools providing Islamic instruction and newspapers were closed down. The despotic administration went even further and open dam gates, flooding Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives and terrible physical damage in the region. To date, thousands of Muslims are known to have been martyred in Kashmir, thousands of people have been mistreated in Indian prisons and thousands more have simply disappeared. The main reason for this persecution of the people of Kashmir, the acts of violence, the groundless arrests, the torture and the economic embargos is, without doubt, that the people of Kashmir are Muslims. Cruel policies are being used to try to stop Muslims becoming united and strong.
To look at what is going on from another perspective;
Kashmir is one of the world’s most important regions in terms of gold, emerald and ruby deposits. And since this region under Indian occupation stands on high mountains, it is easy to keep the whole area under control. Because of this strategic importance and underground wealth Kashmir is of interest to several countries. A great intrigue has been going on in Kashmir for many years, involving a number of countries.
We can say that for half a century, Kashmiri Muslims have been at war, not only with India, or radical Hindu organizations, but also anti-Islamic lobbies. The savagery these forces apply against Kashmiri Muslims is on a giant scale. However, as throughout history, through today’s various means of propaganda, what is going on in Kashmir and the region is being reflected very differently. Kashmiris who resist Indian oppression and strive to live in peace in their own lands are described as radicals, while India is depicted as a country striving against radical groups. Pakistan is alleged to be supporting radical groups, and that were it not for the incitement and encouragement given by Pakistan, the problems between Kashmir and India could be resolved very quickly. Pakistan is portrayed as the true cause of the problems, and people say that it would held the resolution of the problems if these countries came under powerful pressure from the West. This is the policy line regarding Kashmir of a number of countries.
Pakistan being forced away from the Kashmiri cause through threats of sanctions, being included on the list of terrorist countries or plentiful loans from Western countries will mean the immediate fall of an isolated Kashmir. All that the people of Kashmir, exposed to Indian oppression for half a century, want is to be able to live by their own religion, not to be persecuted simply for being Muslims and town land where they can raise their children in peace and safety.
Turkey has a major responsibility regarding the Kashmiri question. Turkey must develop and implement a rational policy on Kashmir in order to oppose the oppression and persecution and to support its co-religionists, the Muslims of Kashmir. In Indian policy that disregards Kashmir and ignores the oppression going on there, will place Turkey under a spiritual scourge and also clash with its historic identity. In order for Turkey to be truly influential across a wide stretch of land from “the Adriatic to China,” it needs to adopt a line that will win the love of the wronged people in that region.
Imagine Kashmir
Imagine that an open-air prison with a population of 7 million has been closed. Imagine living in a labyrinth with military camps in every district. Imagine the psychological trauma. Imagine you have got used to the trauma.
Imagine you spend 6 days indoors as the army patrols your doors. Imagine your baby crying from hunger and you have run out of baby food. Imagine that your young people like me have gone underground to avoid being detained and tortured.
Imagine that doctors cannot issue death certificates for the “dead.” Imagine firing at funerals and the bodies being polluted.
Imagine a democracy where you cannot say the word “Liberty.” Imagine a democracy that is in fact an occupation, colonialism. Imagine your father was taken away and never returned. Think of children dying every day.
Imagine you spend your spare time with stories of martyrs, rape and slaughter. Imagine your football pitch being surrounded by military camps. Imagine being slapped in the streets for not carrying your “identity card.”
Imagine that the definition of peace is “Only 10 people died, thee things happen.”
Imagine you live here for one day.
I have lived here for 20 years. I live in Kashmir.
This is the latest letter from Kashmir, where Muslim blood flows.
Do not forget Kashmir. Do not remain silent in the face of what the oppressed Muslims in Kashmir are undergoing. Silence means collaboration with oppression.
But where is Kashmir? And what is the reason for this oppression?
The Indian subcontinent was under British rule until the end of the Second World War. After the British left, Indian Muslims founded Pakistan. Many Muslims living in India them moved to Pakistan. Yet although the Kashmiri region known as “Jammu and Kashmir” on the borders of India, Pakistan and China was 67% Muslim, it remained part of India due to various plots and intrigues on the part of the Indian rulers of the time. From that time some 4 million Muslims, according to figures for 2001, have lived under the persecution and oppression of the Indian government.
The Kashmiri Muslims wanted to escape that oppression and attain independence, but these demands resulted in three terrible massacres by Indian forces in 1947, 1965 and 1971. Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Muslims were martyred in these massacres, and more than 4,000 Muslims women were raped and tortured.
In the 1990s, the Indian administration stepped up its violent measures. Thousands of Muslims were detained for no reason and martyred under torture. Homes were looted, schools providing Islamic instruction and newspapers were closed down. The despotic administration went even further and open dam gates, flooding Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan, resulting in the loss of thousands of lives and terrible physical damage in the region. To date, thousands of Muslims are known to have been martyred in Kashmir, thousands of people have been mistreated in Indian prisons and thousands more have simply disappeared. The main reason for this persecution of the people of Kashmir, the acts of violence, the groundless arrests, the torture and the economic embargos is, without doubt, that the people of Kashmir are Muslims. Cruel policies are being used to try to stop Muslims becoming united and strong.
To look at what is going on from another perspective;
Kashmir is one of the world’s most important regions in terms of gold, emerald and ruby deposits. And since this region under Indian occupation stands on high mountains, it is easy to keep the whole area under control. Because of this strategic importance and underground wealth Kashmir is of interest to several countries. A great intrigue has been going on in Kashmir for many years, involving a number of countries.
We can say that for half a century, Kashmiri Muslims have been at war, not only with India, or radical Hindu organizations, but also anti-Islamic lobbies. The savagery these forces apply against Kashmiri Muslims is on a giant scale. However, as throughout history, through today’s various means of propaganda, what is going on in Kashmir and the region is being reflected very differently. Kashmiris who resist Indian oppression and strive to live in peace in their own lands are described as radicals, while India is depicted as a country striving against radical groups. Pakistan is alleged to be supporting radical groups, and that were it not for the incitement and encouragement given by Pakistan, the problems between Kashmir and India could be resolved very quickly. Pakistan is portrayed as the true cause of the problems, and people say that it would held the resolution of the problems if these countries came under powerful pressure from the West. This is the policy line regarding Kashmir of a number of countries.
Pakistan being forced away from the Kashmiri cause through threats of sanctions, being included on the list of terrorist countries or plentiful loans from Western countries will mean the immediate fall of an isolated Kashmir. All that the people of Kashmir, exposed to Indian oppression for half a century, want is to be able to live by their own religion, not to be persecuted simply for being Muslims and town land where they can raise their children in peace and safety.
Turkey has a major responsibility regarding the Kashmiri question. Turkey must develop and implement a rational policy on Kashmir in order to oppose the oppression and persecution and to support its co-religionists, the Muslims of Kashmir. In Indian policy that disregards Kashmir and ignores the oppression going on there, will place Turkey under a spiritual scourge and also clash with its historic identity. In order for Turkey to be truly influential across a wide stretch of land from “the Adriatic to China,” it needs to adopt a line that will win the love of the wronged people in that region.
It is being suggested that Ghulam Azam, the 91-year-old leader of the Jemaat-e Islam party who has been held in detention in Bangladesh for some two years, is to be put to death by the Bangladeshi government on 26 Match, 2013. That would be a blatant violation of articles 3 and 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United Nations, the most important voice of the international public must immediately become involved and issue a serious and concrete response and prevent the execution.
The Bangladeshi government is every day increasing its arbitrary measures based on force and compulsion. It is enough to hold a different political opinion for people to be detained and kept in prison for years. The other day, more than 2500 opponents of the government protesting the death sentence awarded to Ghulam Azam were detained for no offense. Yet no international organization has issued a serious reaction about the wrongful nature of the Bangladeshi government's action.
The great majority of the world public does not raise its voice against what is going on in Bangladesh. Thousands of people who are persecuted in Bangladesh are left to their own devices. All these people faced by armed security forces can do is stage protest marches. As a result of these marches they are then beaten and detained for no reason. All kinds of torture await them in detention.
Ghulam Azam, the 91-year-old leader of the Jemaat-e Islam, has been detained for some 2.5 years. It is both cruel and inhumane to keep a person of that age under harsh prison conditions. Yet the Bangladeshi government has gone even further than this and condemned Azam to death, and has decided to enforce the sentence on March 26, Bangladeshi independence day. This is unacceptable.
Ghulam Azam, the 91-year-old leader of the Jemaat-e Islam, has been detained for some 2.5 years. It is both cruel and inhumane to keep a person of that age under harsh prison conditions. Yet the Bangladeshi government has gone even further than this and condemned Azam to death, and has decided to enforce the sentence on March 26, Bangladeshi independence day. This is unacceptable.
This state of affairs is a blatant contravention of Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, drawn up by the United Nations in 1948, which says that "everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." It is also a blatant violation of Article 9, which says that "nobody shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile." The People's Republic of Bangladesh has been a member of the United Nations since 17.09.1974, meaning it has agreed to all past and future decrees. The United Nations must therefore demand that the Bangladeshi government abide by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and closely watch the course of events.
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch condemned the Bangladeshi security forces for the disproportionate use of force and the torture of detainees in 2005. Transparency International has put Bangladesh at the head of its list of most corrupt countries. Yet nothing has changed in Bangladesh since then. The country is literally a closed box, and there is no international structure in the country to monitor whether or not human rights are being observed. For example, Amnesty International, which identifies violations of human rights across the world and performs wide-ranging activities on the subject, has no representation in Bangladesh.
The United Nations must at once take steps to make sure that this arbitrary death sentence, issued out of sight and with no oversight, should not be enforced. It must try all means to make sure the penalty is not enacted. What is taking place in the country and the crimes against humanity going on must not be kept out of view of the world.
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